September 3, 2020
Each of us has our own story and motivation that pushed us to take that First Step…
Maybe you had a crush on someone and they invited you to dance.
Maybe you were looking for the next physical challenge.
Maybe you wanted to ward off aging in your body & mind.
Maybe something changed in your life and you needed to be around people and have a great evening.
Maybe your relationship was stale and you wanted to re-ignite the spark.
Maybe you needed a creative outlet to pour yourself into.
Maybe you needed more physical contact than social media allows.
As a college student I came to dancing after a lot of persistent invites from my friends and the realization that I had NO social life. (I suppose there’s more to life than classes, practicing trumpet, and studying.) So, since my friends kept insisting I would enjoy the YSU Dance Club (Go Penguins!), and I certainly needed the social outlet, I joined them for an evening class.
As awkward as I was that night, I’m so glad I pushed through the fear and insecurity and took the first step. My first moment of dancing with an instructor, all the fear went away and I realized I had found an activity that I would always have in my life.
~Amy Ross
Whether you are not finding what you are looking for, have a question that we did not anticipate, or maybe you just want to tell us how amazing your experience was, go ahead and drop us a line! We are eager to answer your questions and love hearing about your experience with us...good or bad!