April 26, 2021

Congrats on Competition PLUS DVIDA Student Achievement Awards - March 29th, 2021

Congrats on Competition PLUS DVIDA Student Achievement Awards - March 29th, 2021

Hello All!

Welcome to my 2nd week of giving you the behind the scenes, current updates on The Crystal Ballroom's upcoming and recent events!

This week I want to start by congratulating our Competition Team!

Steve Rose
David Ross
Theresa Alton
Sarah Monnier

This past Thursday, Friday, and Saturday The Crystal Ballroom Dance Center was represented by these 4 students plus Professionals Brittany, Aaron, and Me (Amy) at the Michigan Dance Challenge, held this year in downtown Columbus.  Everyone came away with medals, more experience, and determination to dance even better next time!

We also would like to announce Sherry Engle as our Competition Sponsor.  Thank you Sherry for the support and your sweet giving spirit!

Along with the competition team and Sherry, we had 8 others join us to cheer on the professionals, and enjoy a fantastic dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse on Friday night.  Thank you for all of the support!!

Next, I want to talk about the DVIDA Student Achievement Testing that is happening April 15th.

What is DVIDA?
DVIDA is the dance syllabus we use as a studio to all be on the same page with figures we are teaching, technique, and names of movements.  As instructors we test both the lead and follow parts while dancing and thoroughly explaining how the body moves during each step.

What are Student Achievement Awards?
Student Achievement Awards are an opportunity for students to set a goal, get really comfortable and confident with the steps taught in the DVIDA Syllabus, and demonstrate working knowledge of how to dance these steps!

Who is the Examiner?
Lisa Vegas, DVIDA Certified Examiner, comes down from Cleveland once a quarter to test our instructors and students.  She is well qualified to give clear feedback and tips on any dance you choose to get Certified in.

How do I prepare for the test?
If you have been attending our Monday or Wednesday DVIDA Classes you should be able to test out without even taking any private lessons.  If you take private lessons, ask your instructor which dance you should start with and focus on those steps/dances for the next couple weeks until the exam.

How do I sign up to get Certified?
You can reserve a 15min slot with Lisa by calling 614-505-8698 or by stopping by the front desk.  You can reserve 1 slot for every dance you plan to test.

What do I get by earning a Student Achievement Award?
#1. DVIDA will send you a certificate similar to the ones our teachers earn for their teaching exams.
#2. You get the 15 minutes to test and also get valuable feedback from Lisa Vegas on what to focus on to improve and how to proceed from here!
#3. You will be featured on our Student Achievement Wall!

I am really excited about this opportunity for everyone to continue to learn and grow in their dancing.  Kelsey and I are currently working on a plan for our Student Achievement Wall, and want to include as many of you as possible!  Everyone who tests out and gets a Student Achievement Award will be Featured on the wall in our new Student Achievement Area! :)

The 15 min slots are first come, first serve and this is a great goal to work towards... we'll be having Lisa Vegas back quarterly to continue our testing!

Thank you all for giving me a minute to share our up and coming events with you, and please call us at 614-505-8698 or drop by to ask more questions about any and ALL of our events, classes, lessons, and fitness opportunities!!!

TEASER... Just wait until you hear about our Lesson Drive Coming Up in May!!!!

See you all on the dance floor!
Let's all Connect Through Dance at The Crystal Ballroom Dance Center!

Amy Ross

The Crystal Ballroom Dance Center

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Amy Ross

Owner & Instructor

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